Video Vortex Conference #12, Malta
“Narrative Platforms: Towards a Morphology of New Audience Activities and Narrative Forms” presentation with Andreas Treske at Video Vortex #12 Conference at Malta, September 26-29, 2019
Virtual Platforms: Spaces of Control and Contestation – Markets, Globalization, and Development Review, Special Issue
The special issue of Markets, Globalization, and Development Review that I edited, “Virtual Platforms: Spaces of Control and Contestation” is now available online! Thanks for all the contributing authors, and to founding editors of the journal. is a new journal cultivating critical and progressive perspectives and interdisciplinary scholarly discourses concerned with markets, sustainable development, and cultural, political and economic consequences of globalization. Thus, albeit being a young journal, it has attracted and received the support of many internationally acclaimed scholars with diverse research interests so far. The journal will continue to be a platform for critical interdisciplinary academic exchange in the future, and it needs contributions from scholars like us, who share the same intellectual concerns even if we work in different fields and disciplines of social sciences. So, please advertise the journal in your scholarly circles and invite your colleagues to contribute to it.